How To Fix “Software Reporter Tool High CPU”

Software Reporter Tool High CPU

The Software Reporter Tool, an integral part of Google’s Chrome browser, is designed to monitor and report any incompatible software that may interfere with the browser’s functioning.

However, in some cases, it may consume a substantial portion of your system’s CPU, leading to decreased performance. If you’re grappling with this issue, our exhaustive guide is here to provide practical solutions.

Software Reporter Tool High CPU

Causes of Software Reporter Tool High CPU

A sudden spike in CPU usage by the Software Reporter Tool can be attributed to:

In-depth System Scans: The Software Reporter Tool runs thorough scans to identify harmful software, which can be CPU-intensive.

Obsolete Chrome Version: Older versions of Chrome might have issues that lead to increased CPU usage.

Malware Invasion: Certain malware can cause excessive CPU utilization and affect the Software Reporter Tool’s functionality.

Solutions to Fix Software Reporter Tool High CPU

Here are the solutions to fix this error:

Solution 1: Update Google Chrome

An outdated Chrome version might be a potential cause of the issue. Here’s how you can update it:

Step 1: Launch Google Chrome, click on the three-dot menu in the top right corner, then select ‘Help’ and then ‘About Google Chrome’.

Step 2: Chrome will automatically check for any available updates. If found, it will download and install them. Restart Chrome to finalize the update process.

Solution 2: Run Malware Scan

A thorough malware scan is crucial in identifying any malicious software that might be the root cause of the problem. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Use a trusted antivirus program to conduct a comprehensive system scan. Ensure the antivirus software is up to date for optimal results.

Step 2: Follow the prompts provided by the antivirus software to quarantine or delete any identified threats.

Solution 3: Manually Limit Software Reporter Tool’s CPU Usage

You can manually limit the CPU usage of the Software Reporter Tool using Windows’ built-in resource allocation tool. Here’s how:

Step 1: Press ‘Ctrl + Shift + Esc’ to open the Task Manager.

Step 2: Navigate to ‘Details’ and find ‘software_reporter_tool.exe’.

Step 3: Right-click and set priority to ‘Low’.

Solution 4: Disable Software Reporter Tool

If the problem persists, you can disable the Software Reporter Tool. This step should be your last resort, as this tool contributes to Chrome’s safe operation.

Step 1: Open ‘File Explorer’ and go to the Chrome application data folder, generally located at ‘C:\Users{Your Username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter’.

Step 2: Rename the ‘SwReporter’ folder (e.g., ‘SwReporter_backup’). This action will prevent Chrome from accessing the Software Reporter Tool, consequently lowering CPU usage.


While the Software Reporter Tool serves a vital purpose in maintaining a smooth browsing experience with Chrome, it can sometimes lead to high CPU usage issues.

Updating Chrome, performing a comprehensive malware scan, limiting CPU usage manually, or disabling the tool are all effective solutions for this problem.

However, remember that disabling the Software Reporter Tool should always be your final option, as it protects your browser from harmful software.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions to this topic:

Q1: What is the Software Reporter Tool in Google Chrome?

A: The Software Reporter Tool is a component of Google Chrome that scans your computer for any software that may conflict with the browser, ensuring a smoother browsing experience.

Q2: Why is the Software Reporter Tool causing high CPU usage?

A: High CPU usage can occur when the Software Reporter Tool conducts intensive scans for harmful software. Other possible causes include outdated Chrome versions or the presence of malware on your computer.

Q3: Can I prevent the Software Reporter Tool from using too much CPU without disabling it?

A: Yes, you can limit the CPU usage of the Software Reporter Tool manually through the Task Manager on Windows. Navigate to ‘Details’, find ‘software_reporter_tool.exe’, right-click it and set the priority to ‘Low’.

Q4: Will disabling the Software Reporter Tool affect my Chrome experience?

A: The Software Reporter Tool helps protect your browser from harmful software, so disabling it could potentially expose your Chrome to these threats. Therefore, it is recommended to use this as a last resort.

Q5: How can I make sure the high CPU usage is due to the Software Reporter Tool and not something else?

A: To check, open the Task Manager by pressing ‘Ctrl + Shift + Esc’ and look for ‘software_reporter_tool.exe’ in the processes. If it’s consuming a high percentage of CPU, it is likely the cause.


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