How To Fix “Surface Won’t Turn On” Issue

Surface Won't Turn On

When your Microsoft Surface refuses to power up, it can feel like your digital world has come to a halt.

However, before you panic or rush to a service center, we’re here with an exhaustive guide to help you diagnose and resolve the “Surface won’t turn on” issue.

With our step-by-step solutions, we’ll guide you from darkness to a brightly lit screen in no time.

Surface Won't Turn On

Why Won’t My Surface Turn On?: The Causes

Your Surface may fail to turn on due to a variety of reasons. Here are the most common culprits:

Battery Drain: If the device’s battery is completely depleted, it may not turn on immediately even when connected to power.

System Crash: An unexpected system crash can leave your Surface unresponsive.

Hardware Fault: Issues with your Surface’s hardware, such as a faulty charger, battery, or internal components, could prevent it from powering on.

Illuminate Your Surface: Step-by-Step Solutions

Understanding the cause is half the battle. Now, let’s explore our troubleshooting arsenal to get your Surface back in action.

Solution 1: Check Your Power Source

Before anything else, make sure the problem isn’t with your charger or power outlet:

Step 1: Try plugging your charger into a different power outlet.

Step 2: Use a different charger, if available, to rule out the possibility of a faulty charger.

Solution 2: Force Shutdown and Restart

A simple forced shutdown and restart can often resolve temporary software glitches:

Step 1: Press and hold the power button for 30 seconds, then release it.

Step 2: Wait for a few seconds and then press the power button again to restart your Surface.

Solution 3: Two Button Shutdown

This method is a deeper reset that can help resolve more stubborn issues:

Step 1: Press and hold both the power button and the volume-up button for 15 seconds, then release them.

Step 2: Wait for 10 seconds.

Step 3: Press the power button to turn your Surface back on.

Solution 4: Boot in Safe Mode

Booting in Safe Mode can help you identify if a software issue is causing the problem:

Step 1: Press and hold the power button until your Surface completely shuts down.

Step 2: Press the power button again to turn on your Surface.

Step 3: As soon as the Surface logo appears, press and hold the volume-up button.

Step 4: When the UEFI screen appears, navigate using the volume and power buttons to the ‘Security’ tab.

Step 5: Select ‘Safe Boot’, then ‘Restart’. If the Surface restarts, a software issue might be the cause.

Solution 5: Seek Professional Help

If the above solutions do not work, it’s time to consult with a professional. There might be a hardware fault with your Surface device that needs expert intervention.


While the sight of a dark and unresponsive Surface can be disheartening, the “Surface won’t turn on” issue is typically resolvable with patience and the right troubleshooting steps.

Follow our comprehensive guide and you’ll be well on your way to reviving your Microsoft Surface.

Remember, when in doubt, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to avoid damaging your device further. Hope now you know all the solutions to fix this issue.


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