How To Fix “PS4 Controller Flashing White” Issue

PS4 Controller Flashing White

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as settling down for an intense gaming session only to have your PS4 controller start flashing a white light. This common error can disrupt gameplay and leave you wondering what went wrong.

Fortunately, this guide will help you understand why your PS4 controller might be flashing white and how to rectify this issue, leading you back to smooth, uninterrupted gameplay.

PS4 Controller Flashing White

Causes of the PS4 Controller Flashing White

Several factors may lead to your PS4 controller flashing white. Most commonly, the problem arises due to connection issues between your PS4 and the controller.

Other possible causes include a low battery, malfunctioning USB cable, issues with the PlayStation 4’s firmware, or a broken controller.

Solutions to Fix the PS4 Controller Flashing White

Follow these solutions to fix the error:

Solution 1: Reset Your PS4 Controller

Step 1: On the back of your PS4 controller, locate the tiny hole near the L2 button. This is where the reset button resides.

Step 2: Unfold a paperclip or find a similarly thin and sturdy object. Insert it into the reset hole and hold for about 5 seconds.

Step 3: After resetting, connect the controller to the PS4 via a USB cable. The console should recognize it and it will re-pair.

Step 4: Press the PlayStation button (located in the middle of the controller) to turn on the controller.

Solution 2: Check the Battery Level

Step 1: Connect your PS4 controller to the console with a USB cable.

Step 2: The battery status will show up next to the controller icon on your screen. If it’s low, leave the controller connected until it’s fully charged.

Step 3: Once the battery is fully charged, disconnect the controller and check if the white light is still flashing.

Solution 3: Try a Different USB Cable

Step 1: Find a different USB cable that is compatible with your PS4 controller.

Step 2: Plug one end into the controller and the other into the PS4 console.

Step 3: Turn on your PS4 and check if the controller is still flashing white. If not, your previous USB cable may have been defective.

Solution 4: Update PS4’s Firmware

Step 1: With your PS4 turned on, navigate to the “Settings” menu, which is represented by a toolbox icon on the top layer of the PS4’s main screen.

Step 2: Scroll down and select “System Software Update.”

Step 3: Your PS4 will check for updates automatically. If one is available, it will download and install it. After the update, check if the controller is still flashing white.


Experiencing issues with your PS4 controller, such as the persistent white light, can be a significant distraction when you’re immersed in a gaming world.

However, understanding the potential causes of this problem and following these troubleshooting steps can help you quickly get back on track.

Whether it’s a simple reset or a firmware update, these solutions offer you a practical way to overcome the flashing white light dilemma on your PS4 controller. Hope now you know the causes and solutions to fix this error.


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