How To Increase VRAM

How To Increase VRAM

In the realm of computing, VRAM plays a significant role in providing an exceptional visual experience. Whether you’re gaming, video editing, or running heavy graphical applications, a higher VRAM is crucial.

This article is a one-stop resource on how to increase the dedicated Video RAM (VRAM) in Windows.

How To Increase VRAM

What Is Dedicated Video RAM (VRAM)?

Dedicated Video RAM (VRAM) is a particular type of memory that your computer uses to run the graphics processing unit (GPU).

It is essential in rendering high-resolution content and complex textures. By increasing your VRAM, you can significantly improve your system’s video and graphics performance.

How to Increase VRAM

Here you will find out the guide on how to increase vram.

Step 1: Check The Amount Of VRAM

Before making changes to your VRAM, determine how much VRAM your system currently has. Here’s how:

Step 1: Press “Windows Key + R”, type “dxdiag”, and press “Enter.”

Step 2: In the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, select the “Display” tab.

Step 3: Look for “Approx. Total Memory” under the “Device” section. This number represents your current VRAM.

Step 2: Increase VRAM From Motherboard Bios Settings

In some cases, you can increase VRAM through your computer’s BIOS settings. Here’s how:

Step 1: Restart your computer and press the BIOS key (typically F2, F10, or DEL) during startup to enter the BIOS Setup Utility.

Step 2: Navigate to the ‘Advanced’ or ‘Advanced Features’ tab.

Step 3: Look for ‘Video Settings’, ‘VGA Share Memory Size’, ‘Graphics Settings’, or similar options.

Step 4: Increase the VRAM to the desired amount.

Step 5: Save and exit the BIOS, then restart your computer.

Remember that not all motherboards support this feature.

Step 3: Increase VRAM Via Registry Editor

Another method to increase VRAM is via the Registry Editor. However, this method is complex and could damage your system if not done correctly. Always back up your registry before proceeding.

Step 1: Press “Windows Key + R”, type “regedit”, and press “Enter” to open the Registry Editor.

Step 2: Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel.

Step 3: Right-click on the Intel folder and choose New > Key. Name it “GMM.”

Step 4: Inside the GMM folder, right-click on the right panel and choose New > Dword (32-bit) Value. Name it “DedicatedSegmentSize.”

Step 5: Double-click on “DedicatedSegmentSize,” set the Base to Decimal, and enter the amount of VRAM you want (maximum 512).

Step 6: Click “OK,” then restart your computer.

Step 4: Upgrade System RAM (Integrated GPUs)

For computers with integrated GPUs, the VRAM is shared with system RAM. Hence, upgrading your system RAM can also increase your VRAM.

Step 1: Purchase compatible RAM sticks for your computer.

Step 2: Install them into the RAM slots on your motherboard.


While VRAM plays a vital role in ensuring a smooth computing experience, increasing it should be done cautiously. If done incorrectly, it can damage your system.

Therefore, always ensure you understand the steps before proceeding or seek help from a professional. Happy computing!


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