How To Fix “CE 30005-8” Error

CE 30005-8

As the popularity of PlayStation 4 (PS4) continues to surge, an array of technical errors has surfaced over the years, hampering the gaming experience. One such error code that has left many gamers puzzled is the CE-30005-8 error.

In this SEO-optimized article, we’ll delve deep into understanding what the CE-30005-8 error is, what causes it, and provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to fix it.

CE 30005-8

Understanding the CE-30005-8 Error

The CE-30005-8 error is a prevalent issue encountered by PS4 users, signifying a problem either with the Blu-ray/DVD disc drive or the Hard Disk Drive (HDD).

The error typically pops up while trying to start a game or an application. Notably, this error can wreak havoc on your gaming plans, making it all the more crucial to address it promptly.

Causes of the CE-30005-8 Error

The primary cause of the CE-30005-8 error on your PS4 can be attributed to one of two issues – your Blu-ray/DVD disc drive or your PS4’s hard disk drive (HDD).

If the disc drive has been damaged or is failing, it may cause this error. On the other hand, a faulty or corrupt HDD could also trigger the CE-30005-8 error.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the CE-30005-8 Error

Here is the effective solution to fix the error CE-30005-8 Error:

Step 1: Check the Disc

If the error pops up while trying to load a game from a disc, the issue might be with the disc itself. Ensure the disc is clean and free from scratches. If you find any dirt or dust, clean it gently with a soft cloth.

Step 2: Rebuild the PS4 Database

If checking the disc doesn’t solve the issue, the next step is to rebuild your PS4 database. This process scans the drive and creates a new database of content, potentially resolving the issue.

Step 1: Switch off your PS4 completely.

Step 2: Hold down the power button until you hear two beeps: one when you initially press and another seven seconds later.

Step 3: Connect the DualShock 4 controller via USB and press the PS button on the controller.

Step 4: In the Safe Mode menu, choose the ‘Rebuild Database’ option.

Step 5: Wait for the process to complete, then restart your PS4.

Solution 3: Initialize PS4

If rebuilding the database doesn’t work, you might need to initialize your PS4. Remember, this will delete all data in your system storage, so make sure to back up your data.

Step 1: Go to the PS4 Settings menu.

Step 2: Scroll down and select ‘Initialization.’

Step 3: Click on ‘Initialize PS4,’ then ‘Full.’

Step 4: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initialization.


Although the CE-30005-8 error on PS4 can be a nuisance, the above steps should help rectify the issue. In the unlikely event these solutions don’t work, you might need to consider taking your PS4 for professional repair or contacting PlayStation Support.


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